Do Lumify Eye Drops Work?
I recently wrote a post about Lumify Eye Drops, the new eyedrops made by Bausch & Lomb and marketed as having the ability to whiten and brighten a person’s eyes. I talked about the mechanism of action, type of medication involved, and safety. However, I hadn’t yet tried Lumify Eye Drops myself so I couldn’t speak to their effectiveness.

Well, I decided to try them when I realized that my wife had bought a bottle! Let me first say that I am quite the skeptic when it comes to new medications rolled out and marketed by big drug companies, especially when it comes to some type of cosmetic use. With that said, I couldn’t believe how well they worked! I tried it in one eye only so that my other eye could serve as a control, and within a minute or two sure enough the eye that got the Lumify drop was considerably more white! I was pleasantly surprised that it actually lived up to its claims. I ended up putting a drop in the other eye and watching it whiten in the mirror over a minute or two. It seriously works. My eyes did feel just a tad irritated over the next little bit, but not too bad. The effect lasted an hour or two by my unscientific estimate.
So yes, I can testify that Lumify Eye Drops do work. As an aside, Basuch & Lomb is probably going to make a ton of money off of Lumify. With that said, I haven’t used the drops again because I’m not particularly bothered by what little redness I have in my eyes at baseline. However, I could see using the Lumify every now and then before going out or knowing my picture is going to be taken at an event, etc. For people more bothered by chronically red eyes I could see the appeal in using Lumify more often.
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